Water Laboratory Project

Water Laboratory Project

As Amigos for Christ continues to build water systems and work with small farmers in the department of Chinandega, we have recently experienced an even greater need for water and soil quality tests, respectively. The benefits from routine soil and water analysis are numerous, but unfortunately the accessibility for such tests in this part of Nicaragua are few. Furthermore, such tests typically cost $100 or more in private laboratories, which is out of reach for most small farmers and is a substantial cost for some small community water systems.

To this end, we desire to construct a combined water and soil laboratory on the Amigos for Christ property. The purpose of such a lab will be to provide a permanent and dedicated location for testing services to be conducted. A permanent, dedicated lab space will allow us to build and implement important features like proper chemical storage/waste, temperature controlled environments, and calibration of delicate scientific instrumentation (analytical scales, etc). 

With respect to water testing, we seek to provide water quality testing services for the communities that we serve. It is the responsibility of our organization to ensure the families that the water being delivered to their homes is free of contaminants and safe to drink.

With regard to soil testing, we seek to analyze the soil fertility in the communities where beneficiary organic farms are established. Soil tests can help alert small farmers to mineral deficiencies in soils, and provide them with information that allow them to make the necessary organic fertilizer amendments. When such action is taken, farmers can then boost crop production and increase profits. 

Your support will help not only in the building costs, but also in the purchasing of laboratory furniture (refrigerator, lab bench, chemical storage shelves, heating element, autoclave, etc), scientific instrumentation (spectrophotometer/colorimeter, analytical balance, etc), glassware (beakers, funnels, etc), and chemical reagents. The total project cost is $28,848.

As mentioned above, the primary purpose of a lab is to perform useful scientific analyses that will allow water committees and small farmers to make informed decisions. Furthermore, the construction of a lab would also facilitate potential academic opportunities in the form of internships and theses for university students, both from local Nicaraguan universities from the US. 

We ask that you might please consider supporting this new and exciting project. If you have any questions regarding the lab design, scientific testing, or greatest needs with regard to the laboratory, please feel free to contact me via email brian@amigosforchrist.org.

Honour Roll


Jacqueline Heathcott
Sep 11, 2024
Indiana, US


Mike Davis
Apr 21, 2024
Pennsylvania, US


Dec 31, 2023
Massachusetts, US

“I wanted to be first. :)”


Bill Roth
Nov 28, 2023
California, US

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13 donors
70 days left

Fundraiser created by
Brian Peters


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