Schmidt Kids

Schmidt Kids

We are so excited to serve with Amigos for Christ this June digging a water system for a community in Chinandega, working at a farm, and helping at the Amigos school. This will be our (Declan and Caleb) third mission trip and this will be Kensley’s first!!! We will be working hard to sell our pies and fudge to pay for our own plane tickets again but would you consider giving a tax deductible donation towards our $350 per person mission trip fee? This fee covers our lodging food and transportation in Nicaragua. Thank you so much for your prayers, support and love!!! We love going to Nicaragua it feels like a second home to us, we are so excited our sister is joining us this time too! Thank you, Declan and Caleb and Kensley

Honour Roll


Teresa Schmidt
Dec 14, 2024
Virginia, US

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1 donor
29 days left

Fundraiser created by
Jennifer Schmidt
Georgia, United States


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